Этнические проблемы современности (вып


  1. Marshall M.G. Systems at Risk: Violence, Diffusion, and Disintegration in the Middle East // Wars in the Midst of Peace: The International Politics of Ethnic Conflict / Ed. by Carment D., James P. – Pittsburg, PA, 1997. P.89.

  2. Цит. по: Avruch K. Culture and Conflict Resolution. – Washington, DC, 1998. P.103.

  3. The International Spread of Ethnic Conflict / Ed. by D.A.Lake, D.Rothchild. – Princeton, NJ, USA, 1998. Р. 5-6.

  4. См.: Ausenda G. Current Issues in the Study of Ethnicity. Ethnic Conflict and Humanitarian Intervention, and Questions for Future Research // War and Ethnicity: Global Connections and Local Violence / Ed. by D.Turton. – San Marino, 1997. P.219.

  5. Lipshutz R.D. Seeking a State of One's Own: an Analytical Framework for Assessing Ethnic and Sectarian Conflicts // The Myth of «Ethnic Conflict»: Politics, Economics, and «Cultural» Violence / Ed. by B.Crawford and R. Lipschutz. – Beverly, Cal., 1998. P.54-55.

  6. The International Spread of Ethnic Conflict. Р. 5-6.

  7. Rex J. Ethnicity and Migration // The Ethnicity Reader: Nationalism, Multiculturalism, and Migration / Ed. by M.Gubernau and J.Rex. – Malden, MA (USA), 1997. P.270.

  8. Арутюнян Ю.В., Дробижева Л.М., Сусоколов А.А. Этносоциология: Учебное пособие для вузов. – М., 1998. С.32.

  9. LeVine R., Campbell D. Ethnocentrism: Theories of Conflict, Ethnic Attitudes, and Group Behavior. – New York & London, 1972.

  10. См.: Ross M., Rothman J. The Conflict, Management Implications of Major Theories of Ethnic Conflict. – Kandi, Sri Lanka, 1996. Р.1.

  11. Op.cit. P.10-11.

  12. Ibid.

  13. Op.cit. P.18-20.

  14. Op.cit. P.21-28.

  15. The International Spread of Ethnic Conflict. Р. 5-6.

  16. Davis D., Jaggers K., Moore W. Ethnicity, Minorities and International Conflict // Wars in the Midst of Peace: The International Politics of Ethnic Conflict. P.148-149.

  17. Forbes H.D. Ethnic Conflict: Commerce, Culture and the Conflict Hypothesis. – New Haven, Conn., and London, 1997. Р.169.

  18. Будон Р. Место беспорядка. Критика теорий социального изменения. Пер. с фр. – М., 1998. С.71.

  19. The International Spread of Ethnic Conflict. Р.6-7.

  20. Crawford B. Causes of Cultural Conflict: Institutional Approach // The Myth of «Ethnic Conflict»: Politics, Economics, and «Cultural» Violence. P.31.

  21. Marshall M.G. Op.cit. P.86-93.

  22. Forbes H.D. Op. cit. Р.142.

  23. Op.cit.

  24. Sandole D. A Comprehensive Mapping of Conflict and Conflict Resolution: A Three Pillar Approach; available from http://www.gmu.edu/academic/pcs/sandole/htm; Sandole D. Capturing the Complexity of Conflict: Dealing with Violent Ethnic Conflicts in the Post-Cold War Era. – London & New York, 1999.

  25. Sandole D. A Comprehensive Mapping of Conflict and Conflict Resolution: A Three Pillar Approach.

  26. Ibid.